Refund policy

Customer Satisfaction is our number one goal.

Our top priority is ensuring that customers receive high quality material. Should you not be satisfied with your order, for any reason, please contact us immediately via email at, or over the phone at 1-800-642-9410.

Non Defective Returns

Please do your best to ensure you've ordered the correct amount of material for your project. In the event you have non-defective items to return please notify us within 7 days of the shipment being delivered and/or picked up.  Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us so please reach out via email ( if you do have additional material and we will discuss the next steps with you. Any material that's returned much be in sellable condition. Additional return shipping charges may apply.      

Damages and Order Discrepancies
Please inspect your order immediately upon receiving it and contact us with 24 hours if you discover any defective, damaged, or incorrect items.  Please email, reference your original order number, attach pictures, and include as many details as possible.

We will provide instructions on the next steps in the process.